Wednesday, March 9, 2011


Most of us know that we live in a first world country, and that all countries that are similar to us politically, socially, and economically also fall under that category. Then there are the commies and soviets, like Russia and Cuba, who are considered second world. Then there are third world countries, thanks to Africa and South America, who are poor and don’t have a very useful government. Well folks, I live in a world that can only be categorized as the 1-3-1. No it’s not a defensive formation. A lot of you live in this world and just don’t know it. In this world, people who are part of the first world actively try not to do anything with their lives. They dip into third world conditions knowing that they will once again be lifted into the first world by idealistic sympathizers who are too busy solving the world’s problems to realize that their help actually hurts. And yes, I’m a democrat.

That was a long intro to get into the heart of the matter. Women in the hood. Wow did I just say women, I meant females. You know the ones who get pregnant on purpose so they can get welfare checks and write it off on their taxes? The ones who get pregnant so they can throw a hard-working man on child support. You know those “women” who slide their EBT cards for cigarettes, blunts, cigarillos, dutches and scratch tickets instead of the milk and eggs the card was designed for? They aint paying for that shit. We are. The cash they earn goes to things you can’t slide a card for. Not rent, Section 8 pays for that. Not a car note, they get free monthly bus passes. A phone bill? Eghh maybe back when Nextel was hot but now they just fuck guys who are willing to pay for that. More likely it’s to pay for the weed that’s going into those Phillies that we just bought for them. We being those tax payers who decided that we should do something with our first world lives. They get to sit at home and watch Oprah tell depressing stories that make them feel better about their lives. Living in the 1-3-1 can be so tough for these girls, that sometimes they even have to take care of their own kids instead of having their mother do it.

So the next time you feel sorry for that girl pushing her little daughter in a stroller in 20 degree weather to the nearest clinic, don’t. She's pushing right past that motherfucker and smiling all the way to the bank.

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